Tranquility Hideaway
Mission Beach
18 – 23 August 2025
Join Jenny Thirtle – Assistant Director at the School of FM Alexander Studies, and Caroline Blackshaw yoga and Alexander Technique teacher at Yoga Hut, Brighton – for 5 wonderful days and nights at Tranquility Hideaway, Mission Beach.
Each day will begin with a morning yoga practice, followed by a group Alexander Technique class. Over the 5 days you will receive two private Alexander Technique lessons, where you will be able to explore regular activities and habits of body and mind that most interest you.
The day will conclude with an afternoon yoga class, and in between these sessions there are many forest walks and beaches to explore.
Three delicious vegetarian meals per day are included in the cost. (Dinner will be served on the day of arrival and on the final day only breakfast is included).
There are 4 room types to choose from. Most rooms include a bathroom shared with one other person.
Room Type – Master room ensuite $3500 ea (ONLY ONE AVAILABLE – ROOM ALLOCATED ON A FIRST IN BASIS
The pelvic floor needs to be strong, but not overactive. If it is too weak you can experience continence issues, along with impaired sexual pleasure. An overactive pelvic floor leads to pelvic pain, vulval and peno-scrotal pain and vaginismus. Certain times of our lives bring issues of the pelvic floor to the forefront. The child bearing years, peri-menopause, menopause and the ageing process all create differing issues. Trauma, stress and lifestyle habits (such as sitting at a desk all day) can also add to difficulties experienced with the pelvic floor.
Many of these issues are taboo to raise, let alone discuss in detail. Caroline Blackshaw, yoga and Alexander Technique teacher for an information session and practical morning discussing and understanding more about your pelvic floor.
If you or someone you know might be interested in an informative, low key, not embarrassing session, book below or share with a friend.
DATE: Stay tuned, date to be confirmed.
LOCATION: Yoga Hut Brighton, 145 Cochrane Street, Brighton
PRICE: $80.00, including morning tea.