“Together yoga and Alexander Technique provide a pathway to living with greater ease, less tension and a sense of wellbeing.”
Caroline Blackshaw took her first yoga class in 1990 and was immediately hooked. Since then she has been influenced by many teachers and styles, including Iyengar yoga, Satyananda yoga, Viniyoga, Donna Fahey and most recently the Alexander Technique which focuses on finding ways to use the body with the least stress and strain.
Caroline established Yoga Hut in 2004 after completing her Diploma of Health – Yoga, with the Australian Institute of Yoga at CAE. She is a Senior Teacher with Yoga Australia and has a Advanced Diploma from the School of F. M. Alexander Studies as a teacher of Alexander Technique. Caroline combines both yoga and AT in her classes, enabling students to explore habits and patterns in their bodies, at the same time building strength and flexibility.
Caroline sees yoga as a wonderful tool to help enable practitioners to use their bodies well throughout their lives. Along with the obvious physical benefits she loves the sense of perspective and wellbeing yoga, Alexander Technique and meditation can provide for the regular practitioner.